Melodic Minor

The Melodic Minor Modes and Arpeggios 

These modes are derived from the ascending melodic minor scale. But, more importantly, these 7 modes complete the number of 14 modes which can be created using 7 tones in each mode, and only half steps and whole steps as intervals, with no adjacent half step intervals. When played on the guitar, a half step has no other note between the 2, a whole step has one empty fret between. 

In this second group of modes, the whole steps are arranged in a group of 4 and a group of 1. These modes, combined with the Melodic Major Modes listed above, give every combination of whole steps and half steps possible using only 2 half steps.

i Melodic Minor Mode – half steps are between the 2nd and 3rd tone and the 7th and 8th tone. 

ii Phrygian with natural 6 or Dorian Flat 2 – beginning on the second tone of the Melodic Minor Scale 

III+ Lydian Augmented Mode –  beginning on the third tone of the Melodic Minor Scale

IV Lydian Dominant Mode – beginning on the fourth tone of the Melodic Minor Scale 

V Mixolydian Flat 6 Mode – beginning on the fifth tone of the Melodic Minor Scale

viº Locrian with natural 2 – beginning on the sixth tone of the Melodic Minor Scale

viiº Super Locrian Mode, or Altered Scale – beginning on the seventh tone of the Melodic Minor Scale